- When telephone long distance calls cost extra. ("I'd better hang up, this is costing you money.)
- My telephone number when I was (MUCH) younger. 5832, then 8 5832, then 248 5832. Before Area Codes.
- Getting soda pop bottles from a vending machine where you slid the bottle on rails to a place,
put your money in then just pulled the bottlre up and out.
- When soda came in returnable bottles
- oil cloth
- The first TV I ever saw. A big box with a 2 or 3 inch screen in the lobby of the Penelec
building on the square in Lewistown, Pa.
- kneading the color packet into a pale block of oleomargarine
- milk bottles w/the paper cap sitting on a column of frozen cream
- the taste of homemade butter
- the Apple Lisa (a computer)
- Steam Shovels
- Blow Torches
- when soda and beer can opening tabs were thrown away
- Clark Bars
- Ice boxes (that actually used ice)
- what the hollerith code was (is)
- As a lad, going visiting with Mom and watching young women getting ready to go out.
They painted their legs (with some kind of makeup) and painted a thin black line
up the back to resemble silk/nylon stockings.
"...the seam up the back of her hose." is mentioned in The Statler Bros. song "Do you remember these".
- when you had to know your hat size to get a baseball cap
- Arco Credit cards (It's a west coast thing)
- when all bikes had fat tires and coaster brakes
- When tennis balls were white
I can be hollered to at tmurray@surewest.net
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